Disable emails: a WordPress mailer plugin feature

Disable emails is a feature that allows you to temporarily turn off email sending from your WordPress site. This feature is useful during maintenance or testing, or when you want to temporarily pause your email campaigns. With the disable emails feature, you can shut off the mailer completely, making it just a dummy function that does not send any emails.

To learn more about debugging WordPress email, check out the articles below:

  • WordPress email: a comprehensive test suite
    Ensuring seamless communication between your WordPress site, its users, and administrators is crucial for providing a smooth user experience. This comprehensive guide will walk you through a test suite designed to verify the proper functioning of your WordPress email setup. Unless you're a QA person, you shouldn't need to run ALL these tests to feel...
  • How to test WordPress email with Mailtrap
    Discover how to debug your WordPress site's email functionality with Mailtrap. This powerful email testing tool helps identify and resolve email-related issues.
  • How to test your WordPress mail server with Swaks
    Discover how to test your WordPress email server using Swaks, a powerful command-line tool for diagnosing email server issues. Follow our step-by-step guide.
  • Troubleshoot WordPress email
    As a website owner, it's important to ensure that your WordPress site is sending emails correctly. Whether it's for user registration, password resets, or contact forms, emails are an integral part of communication between your website and you or your visitors. However, sometimes emails may fail to send which can lead to missed opportunities or...

The mailer plugins below support the Disable emails feature.

YaySMTP (by Yay Commerce) review

YaySMTP (by Yay Commerce) review

Excerpt: Discover the features and benefits of YaySMTP, a versatile mailer plugin by Yay Commerce, designed to enhance email management and delivery for WordPress users.

WordPress plugin “Disable Emails”

WordPress plugin “Disable Emails” by WebAware is a useful tool that allows website owners to stop their website from sending any emails, including password resets or administrator notifications.. Developed by…